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Recommendations for silent propellers


Sep 4, 2017
Dear Spark community,

I would like to upgrade to more silent propeller for my Spark. A friend told me that using 3 arm or even 4 arms propeller would help. Can you advise me any site or provider that sell silent propeller for the spark or let me know if there is any risk or disadvantage of using them versus original folding ones ?

Thank you

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Unless you use a balloon, the Spark will be noisy no matter what prop is used, although it may sound different in pitch, it still makes noticeable noise.

Master Air Screw has been an R/C propeller manufacture for a long time and came out with these in the past year or so for the Spark.

I have a set and like them but they don't fold like the OEM's and must be removed depending on what you carry the Spark in.

Here is a short video by one of the Forum members( SPark_South_Oz ) showing the sound between the two.

Another well liked prop are the
Anbee Spark Propellers 4730F Colored Props Blades for DJI Spark Drone, 4pcs/Set

They're not quiet but they are colorful and they do fold for storage.

I haven't seen a 3 or 4 blade prop available for the Spark.

Good Luck. ?
Bought myself the master aircrew to and besides the fact they do not fold I do like them better then the originals. I ordered some fake off Ali but they where a waste of time and some money, the did not fly stable.
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Unless you use a balloon, the Spark will be noisy no matter what prop is used, although it may sound different in pitch, it still makes noticeable noise.

Today was too windy, but in the evening it became calm and the last daylight would have been fine for a flight as there was a very special mood about the landscape. But part of this mood was a complete silence. I did not dare to disturb this by flying my SPARK ... I kept it in the box and the only noise I made was a very short "plop" when I opened a can of icecold beer to enjoy such a special summer night.
All pictures are in my mind. SPARK will fly another day. ;)

Every now and then a hot air balloon is flying over my neighbourhood. On a quiet evening like today even the occasional correction thrusts of the gas nozzle would feel extremely disturbing.

So if you feel that your drone would be too noisy, stay on the ground. But mostly other noises like water, wind (even singing birds) and cars and people are so loud, that a drone will not disturb too much.
What I would rather like than quieter propellers would be a volume control for the noise of the remote control. :)
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Today was too windy, but in the evening it became calm and the last daylight would have been fine for a flight as there was a very special mood about the landscape. But part of this mood was a complete silence. I did not dare to disturb this by flying my SPARK ... I kept it in the box and the only noise I made was a very short "plop" when I opened a can of icecold beer to enjoy such a special summer night.
All pictures are in my mind. SPARK will fly another day. ;)

Every now and then a hot air balloon is flying over my neighbourhood. On a quiet evening like today even the occasional correction thrusts of the gas nozzle would feel extremely disturbing.

So if you feel that your drone would be too noisy, stay on the ground. But mostly other noises like water, wind (even singing birds) and cars and people are so loud, that a drone will not disturb too much.
What I would rather like than quieter propellers would be a volume control for the noise of the remote control. :)

I enjoy the sounds of silence myself, It makes for good background audio before flights to be incorporated later in a video. ?

I'm not keeping my Spark in a box if it may be a little noisy and I can't share an image from my mind unless I capture it.

The areas I fly always have some sort of noise so it's not a big deal to launch the Spark and capture a moment to remember and share with others.

? ☮
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Today was too windy, but in the evening it became calm and the last daylight would have been fine for a flight as there was a very special mood about the landscape. But part of this mood was a complete silence. I did not dare to disturb this by flying my SPARK ... I kept it in the box and the only noise I made was a very short "plop" when I opened a can of icecold beer to enjoy such a special summer night.
All pictures are in my mind. SPARK will fly another day. ;)

Every now and then a hot air balloon is flying over my neighbourhood. On a quiet evening like today even the occasional correction thrusts of the gas nozzle would feel extremely disturbing.

So if you feel that your drone would be too noisy, stay on the ground. But mostly other noises like water, wind (even singing birds) and cars and people are so loud, that a drone will not disturb too much.
What I would rather like than quieter propellers would be a volume control for the noise of the remote control. :)
Perfectly agree. After looking for a silent spark I shall better explore how to master the "out of body experience" ;-)
Unless you use a balloon, the Spark will be noisy no matter what prop is used, although it may sound different in pitch, it still makes noticeable noise.

Master Air Screw has been an R/C propeller manufacture for a long time and came out with these in the past year or so for the Spark.

I have a set and like them but they don't fold like the OEM's and must be removed depending on what you carry the Spark in.

Here is a short video by one of the Forum members( SPark_South_Oz ) showing the sound between the two.

Another well liked prop are the
Anbee Spark Propellers 4730F Colored Props Blades for DJI Spark Drone, 4pcs/Set

They're not quiet but they are colorful and they do fold for storage.

I haven't seen a 3 or 4 blade prop available for the Spark.

Good Luck. [emoji846]
Thank you so much for all these info to explore !
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I am looking at replacing my original Spark propellors and am looking for recommendations please. I live in Australia by the way. Cheers Peter
Less noise would be good but safe flying is more important ;)
Данас је било превише ветровито, али увече је постало мирно и последњи дан би био добар за лет јер је пејзаж владао веома посебним расположењем. Али део овог расположења била је потпуна тишина. Нисам се усудио да ово пореметим тако што сам летео својом СПАРК-ом... Држао сам га у кутији и једина бука коју сам произвела била је врло кратко „пуцање“ када сам отворила лименку леденог пива да бих уживала у тако посебној летњој ноћи.
Све слике су ми у мислима. СПАРК ће летети други дан. ;)

С времена на време неки балон на врући ваздух лети изнад мог комшилука. У мирној вечери као што је данас, чак би и повремени корекцијски потиски гасне млазнице били изузетно узнемирујући.

Дакле, ако сматрате да би ваш дрон био превише бучан, останите на земљи. Али углавном други звукови попут воде, ветра (чак и птица певање) и аутомобила и људи су толико гласни да дрон неће превише ометати.
Оно што бих више волео од тихих пропелера би била контрола јачине звука за буку даљинског управљача.:)
I am looking at replacing my original Spark propellors and am looking for recommendations please. I live in Australia by the way. Cheers Peter
Less noise would be good but safe flying is more important ;)

I would certainly only trust OEM (DJI) or MAS props.
MAS Stealth props are definitely beneficial for lower pitch.

As per the reply #3 from @Spark 317 above, my test, while not scientific, shows some definite noise reduction benefits.

Here's the video for the Spark test . . .

There's photos in the other thread link here . . .

Prop testing yesterday

I've just ordered a few sets for Spark and M1P for myself and another SA MavicPilots member, MAS are having their Memorial Day sale -20% now, AND flat rate shipping to Oz has resumed (US$17.99 for however many sets).

MAS have a sale like that every US holiday, so try and team up a group buy for the next sale, spread the shipping around.

The nice thing is the MAS set is 4 props, DJI sell in pairs so x 2 is required.

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