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Lockdown sunsets/night shots over North Bristol


Active Member
May 16, 2018
Bristol UK
So it's been a while since I last posted and I hope everyone is doing well considering the circumstances. One thing about this lockdown is that I am happy I have my drone to send into the sky to catch the sun setting. I dont need to go anywhere to do that other than the garden! These were taken over the last few weeks and also notice the orange moon in the last pic.

Stay safe everyone!DJI_0863_4_5_Deep.jpgDJI_0465_6_7_Deep.jpgDJI_0496_7_8_Realistic.jpgorg_260b5a4c0ddb5ab8_1585506782000And2more_Balancer.jpgDJI_0471_2_3_Optimizer2.jpgDJI_0508_09_10_Realistic.jpgDJI_0556_7_8_Realistic.jpgDJI_0631.JPGDJI_0635.JPGDJI_0638.JPG
The orange moon is cool.

And I thought it was made from green cheese.?
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Those are great! I hope this doesn't offend you, but the streets look like nonsense scribbles. I get they're probably so old that they were carved by hand carts in the before time and the long long ago - so I'm not assigning blame or shame. I just can't imagine cycling thru w/out making a wrong turn into a garden or parking lot... Let alone driving thru.. It is aesthetically much nicer to photograph than the graph paper layout of most comms in the "Great Us". I live in east clast old rural Us & we have some areas close to that but not as densely populated.
Those are great! I hope this doesn't offend you, but the streets look like nonsense scribbles. I get they're probably so old that they were carved by hand carts in the before time and the long long ago - so I'm not assigning blame or shame. I just can't imagine cycling thru w/out making a wrong turn into a garden or parking lot... Let alone driving thru.. It is aesthetically much nicer to photograph than the graph paper layout of most comms in the "Great Us". I live in east clast old rural Us & we have some areas close to that but not as densely populated.

And no offence taken. I believe they were built early 90's although I don't know. However, welcome to England. :)

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