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Go Fly 4 Stopped Working


Active Member
Jun 30, 2019
Last week? No problem.

Today? No go.

After a few minutes on-site, I relocated home, and generally have made all efforts without connecting the phone to the controller.

It simply refuses to get past the initial splash screen.

On a totally fresh install, it will make it to "Join the DJI Feedback Program", but after that (either option), it just hangs there indefinitely.
  • I have uninstalled & re-installed the app several times.
  • I turned off Automatic Updates for all software.
  • I've rolled back to previous versions.
  • I've rebooted countless times.
  • I've tried all variations of online (wifi, data, airplane) to no avail.
  • 12 GB of Storage Available, so I really don't think that's the problem.

This phone is dedicated to only flying Spark. I haven't changed any other software. I always use the controller and the OTG cable.

It's an older Motorola, running:
Android 8.0.0 (May 1 2020), and
DJI Go 4.3.32-2036402 (I also tried both versions of 4.3.36)

Luckily after several hours of searching, I did find the correct OTG cable for my newer phone, and the test flight was fine, but I would much prefer my dedicated platform.

Ideas? Relevant threads?

Picture for attention.

PAG Sunset Watermark_rs50.jpg
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Reactions: RotorWash
After beating my head up against a wall, I finally found there was a corrupted file in my DJI Go Folder.

I tried deleting it, moving it, etc., to no avail. I even tried a third-party cleaner app that got totally hung up on it too.

Eventually, I factory reset the phone. Luckily it was not my primary EDC phone.

It took a while to find the reconnection information and get it set up again, but I'm back in business!
Thanks for answering your own question floridabeachbum. Your persistence may be of help to another member in the future. BTW, great pic!

Thanks to everyone for your support!

It's funny, I had everything set up just how I liked it. I had forgotten what it took to get there, so I spent quite a while hammering it back into shape. Or so I thought!

Then a day later, I had a glitch during a flight where my controller disconnected, and Robin Sparkles slowly drifted up and away. It was like a child losing a balloon...

I did get it reconnected and brought down safely.

Now I'm paranoid, but still flying. Learn the lesson, fix it, and try not to repeat it, right?
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Reactions: Dragonfly Joe
Thanks to everyone for your support!

It's funny, I had everything set up just how I liked it. I had forgotten what it took to get there, so I spent quite a while hammering it back into shape. Or so I thought!

Then a day later, I had a glitch during a flight where my controller disconnected, and Robin Sparkles slowly drifted up and away. It was like a child losing a balloon...

I did get it reconnected and brought down safely.

Now I'm paranoid, but still flying. Learn the lesson, fix it, and try not to repeat it, right?
What did you do to make it work?

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