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Denan Tonio

New Member
Jul 14, 2017
Hello everyone,

Just wanted to share my recent experience. I took my Spark out for a fly on July 4th (to shoot the sunset, fireworks, etc), and my bird got rogue. Everything was looking perfect, my GPS signal was fine, three days before this I did a firmware update, the compass was green, etc. The bird was fine!

I lift off, and while it was hovering I was waiting for it to record the home point. It did, everything was fine so I started going up to capture the surroundings. It was about 1 minute after that when my Spark started to move forward, I was like.. mmm this is very odd, and then it took off as if it was in Sport mode (or Sport+ if that even existed). I was using the DJI remote controller and watching everything on my screen. I lost GPS signal, so I manually brought the drone back, but it wouldn't come down. After I did everything in my power, the drone just took off again and this time I lost visual (my screen went black). At this point, I knew I was going to lose it, so I got in my car and start driving to see if I could get signal on my remote again.

I got signal, visuals were back, the drone crashed on grass. However, I had a Compass error issue on screen, and the GPS location when I pressed "Find my drone" was incorrect (I browse the place in an out, with people helping, for 3 hours).

I lost it! I had DJI Care Refresh and it wasn't going to do any good (you need to return the damage aircraft if you want to have it replaced).

After contacting DJI, and reading a lot of negative outcomes when this have happened in the past, I was completely hopeless that DJI was going to do something for me. I was wrong.

I contacted them just for the f^&*k of it, to see what they would say, to vent! They gave me instructions on how to pull fly records, etc. I did everything to the T, sent them all the information, explained everything, and I gotta say, the communication was very slow (this happened on July 4th, and it was just yesterday that they told me what the resolution was), but they finally told me that based on the investigation that they did, it looks like it was an aircraft issue and not pilot error.

They are giving me a 100% off coupon so that I could go online and purchase a new Spark. Not sure why they wouldn't just send me a new one. What sucks is that they do not have any colors available other than the white (I had the red), so I guess I'm going to have to settle for this.

If you have any words of wisdom on how to prevent this from happening in the future (thinking that the aircraft will function properly) please tell me. I don't want to lose this one too. I know the first one was not my fault, but I understand I don't have a lot of experience so I am sure I could have prevented this somehow (or at least I could have crashed it on purpose, safely, to just get a replacement and not go through days and days of explaining.

Anyway, I just wanted to share with everyone so you have some hope if this happens to you.

Safe flights!

Hi Dan I experienced the exact same behavior and the same process with support. But true to their word I was flying again in 3 weeks.

Now I fly with a string until I am confident it will not fly away.


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so glad that i found you guys....i just lost my spark yesterday in the same conditions like @Denam Tonio has explained.
I have sent an email to DJI and i'm waiting for their feedback.
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I just got my spark this week but have not yet taken a flight. The flyaway and disconnection issues from RC to Spark are scarying me to even attempt a flight. Anyone know how many Firmware's have been released since the Sparks release? Like any DJI release, typically issues won't get resolved for awhile and after quite a bit of firmwware updates.
How big a problem is this? Feeling a little concerned. Spark is my first drone and it's expensive - don't want it to just fly away on it's own! Also, don't have DJI Refresh, so probably better to put a string on it.

Any other precautions one can take to prevent such a scenario? Other than not flying! Lol!
How big a problem is this? Feeling a little concerned. Spark is my first drone and it's expensive - don't want it to just fly away on it's own! Also, don't have DJI Refresh, so probably better to put a string on it.

Any other precautions one can take to prevent such a scenario? Other than not flying! Lol!

From what I've seen around the forums DJI Refresh won't help you. People are getting denied because the drone is "lost" when technically with Refresh you must turn the drone in. Instead DJI is offering them 30% off a new Spark, which I think is so wrong. So many people are reporting the same issue.

I myself have flown 3 full batteries and haven't had this issue except a "aircraft disconnection" warning I get on the screen even though I can still control and view the live feed but all the options disappear. I'm beginning to think I bought a Spark way too early.
Well, guess there are risks one must accept with any 1st gen product line...although DJI has been in the business long enough to avoid such major defects in a product targeted at your everyday Joe. The least they can do is address their returns policy to make it friendly to consumers & inspire their confidence while working hard and fast to fix glitches. If not, they are setting out on a path once tread by the likes of Nokia.
Hi to you all,

I'm very happy since DJI decided to sent me a new drone. They also let me pick up the colour and they have my colour on stock and it will be sent today!

Thanks DJI! you are the best!

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