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Photographing Churches - A little help please


Nov 2, 2017
I have a question surrounding the aerial photographing of churches. Over the years (and as a hobby), I have photographed likely hundreds (if not 1000's) of churches. All with permission from each church and all without compensation. Moreover, in the vast majority of instances, I would - as a gesture of thanks for allowing me to photograph - email the church a few images in turn.

My question is this, given the scenario above - and applying it to drones - would I now need to acquire a 107 to do the same thing from the sky? I want to be in compliance but am unclear as to whether 107 applies in this instance given as I am not charging nor accepting compensation for said imagery.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
would I now need to acquire a 107

Here's something to watch and think about.

If the church used the image in a flyer to "advertise" the "business", the church may be in violation of using aerial photography from a non licensed pilot, whether it's free or not.

I know it's a picky can of worms to be knocking around but that's the FAA.
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From my understanding if you're getting ANY sort of compensation, be it monetary, promotional exposure or a free blessing from your local vicar, it's classed as commercial use BUT it's a fine line from what I can tell and one I've been careful around. If this was the case no professional photographers or videopgraphers would be able to make movies/edits from their flights for fun or experience (or at least, in my case with an aim to getting a license in order to do commercial work in the future) for fear of being fined for using it to promote their business. On my videos for example, sure they're on my photography fb page and youtube but I dont have my website or any sort of call to action at the end for example like I do on my other promotional work (oh and don't monetise your videos on YouTube).

So....after all that, I'd say you're fine if you're giving it to someone so long as they're not going to use the photo or video to sell whatever you took a photo of. I'm going to snap a couple of my local pub as I like them....but dont worry Mr CAA Man (I'm in the U.K.), it would be a cold day in hell before they gave me any free beer :rolleyes:.

(Ps anyone who knows, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.)

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